POS Meaning

POS means Piece of S**t.
POS is an internet slang initialism that conveys substandard performance.

How Is POS Used? Use Cases & Examples

When the full form of POS means “Piece of S**t”, it is usually used in a vulgar or derogatory sense. The term is used to describe terrible things or to describe people who do something upsetting. When used in polite society, the word is considered very offensive and vulgar. Sometimes teens use the slang term POS to mean “Parents Over Shoulder.” In this case, it should be considered a high alert situation.

Examples of how your teen might use the slang term POS:

  • My ex is a complete POS!
  • Your bike is a POS! You gotta get a new one.
  • This POS PC is driving me crazy!
  • This POS car keeps breaking down.

How to Identify If Your Kids Are Using the POS Slang Word

POS is a common slang term on the web and doesn’t pose a threat to kids. But other slang terms may indicate that your teens are engaged in dangerous activities. Therefore, you have to keep an eye on the slang words they use. Here are two ways to identify the POS slang word:

1. Check Their Phones Directly for the POS Slang Word

If you want to know what slang words your kids use, you can look directly at their phones. You need to regularly check their SMS, search history and chat messages for the slang expression POS:


  • Affect your relationship with your kids
  • Troublesome
  • Can’t detect dangers timely


  • No need to install any app

2. Install A Parental Control App to Monitor the POS Slang Word

Install a parental control app on your kids’ phones to manage their use of smartphones. It allows you to monitor what your children are doing on their phones to detect if they’ve used the POS slang term. It also helps you set up alert words for risk teen slang to get instant reminders. As a result, you can take immediate action to protect your teens.


  • More features like chat monitoring, GPS tracking, call recording, surrounding recording, etc
  • Instant alerts
  • Easy to install and use


  • Some apps are not free

Parental Control Apps to Detect the POS Slang Word


  • Google Family link:
    It is a family parental control service from Google that helps you check search history for the POS slang word, restrict content, set screen time, and more.
  • iKeyMonitor:
    iKeyMonitor is one of the most powerful parental control apps. It monitors SMS, chat messages, and searched terms on kids’ phones. It will take screenshots/photos and send instant alerts to you on triggered alert words such as POS. Besides, it will record calls, surroundings and block inappropriate apps to protect your kids from threats.


  • Apple Screen Time:
    With Apple’s built-in parental control setting, you can manage app limits, set content restrictions, and more. Just unlock the iPhone or iPad, then go to Settings and tap on Screen Time.
  • Norton Family Parental Control:
    Norton Family provides insights that help you foster a healthy online/offline balance for your children and their devices.
  • Kaspersky Safe Kids with GPS:
    Kaspersky Safe Kids is a popular parental control app that provides web monitoring, app blocking, filtering, and more.
  • Alertbird Parental Control:
    Alertbird is a parental control app for iOS that monitors the POS slang term and other dangerous words. You will be notified immediately if it detects alert keywords in your searched terms and chat messages, such as the POS slang word.

Tips to Talk With Your Kids About the Use of the POS Slang Word

POS is a perfect example of why you should make sure you understand the context of teens’ digital content before making assumptions about the slang they use. Of course POS is a vulgar expression; although its meaning is derogatory, it is generally harmless. Conversely, if they use POS for Parent Over Shoulder, that’s a huge red flag that needs your urgent attention. Here are some ideas for talking slang for POS with your children:

  • POS is pretty vulgar. What alternative words can you use to convey the same meaning?
  • How would you react if someone called you a POS online?
  • Swearing has existed for centuries, and in the past, people living in Western Europe could be fined and punished for swearing and cursing. In 13th century France, the punishment for blasphemy was cutting off the tongue and lips!
  • You know, if the person you’re messaging suggests you do something irresponsible, you can send POS and the conversation will end.

List of Teenage Slang Words