How ‘Helicopter Parenting’ Could Actually Be Contributing to Kids’ Screen Addiction?

If you’re always hovering over your child while they do homework or trying to control every aspect of their life, you might be a helicopter parent. These parents often focus heavily on their child’s success, worrying about things like sports teams, school plays, or getting into a top college. While wanting the best for your […]

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How Technology Is Changing the Concept of Peer Pressure?

Peer pressure is something that people of all ages may experience simply because all age people have peers. Irrespective of the fact that you are a teen, an employee, an employer, or a volunteer having peers is good. This enables us to grow, stay motivated, and be inspired, and we can do the same for […]

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Yolo App for Snapchat: A Guide for Parents

Yolo app allows teens to ask for feedback in the form of anonymous replies to a question. A week after the App Store launched, its downloads rose rapidly. It can be seen that young people are very interested in these types of applications. That’s the reason why you should remain aware of this app so […]

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How to Get Your Teen To Put Down Their Mobile Devices?

It may sound awkward but it’s true that a teen uses text over 3,000 times each month. That implies phone use, especially for kids, requires balance and boundaries. You need to use some tricks to get the kids to put down their mobile devices and get involved in normal life. Before applying any sort of […]

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Is New Instagram ‘Threads’ App Safer Than Snapchat?

New apps are introduced every day, and the new Instagram thread app is no exception. As a parent, it’s important to determine whether these new apps are safe for your children. Snapchat has gained a reputation for privacy issues, with concerns about data being misused. Now, Instagram has launched Threads, an app for Instagram that […]

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The Effect of Social Media on Your Teen’s Self-Esteem

There is no doubt that social media leaves a strong positive impact on everyone, particularly children and teenagers. Unfortunately, social media has a very negative and devastating impact on your teen’s self-esteem. According to a recent survey, more than 66% of young people are obsessed with looking good on social media and 33% of them […]

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Is Giving An Unfiltered Phone to Your Kids Bad? Let’s Check It Out

Keeping a watchful eye on the type of content children search and read on their smartphones has become a part of parenting. And why should not it be? Unfiltered phones are causing great harm to your  children. Cyberbullying, offensive content, hateful messages, pornography ,etc are only tips of the iceberg posing alarming risks to your […]

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How to Tell If An App or Website Is Safe for Your Kids

Have you ever wondered what your kids are up to on their phones? How can you tell if an app or website is safe for your kids? Many parents don’t realize how vulnerable children can be online. Without proper monitoring, your child could easily become a target. Some apps and websites are especially harmful to […]

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Why You Should Have the Tech Talk With Your Kids — And Keep Having It

Having honest communication with kids that means having tech talk is essential for parents when it is about technology. There are many things to teach your kids which can be explained easily in a quick 15-minute chat. So, you should avoid ongoing check-ins that will help them stay safe online and in real life. Having […]

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The Comments Your Kids Leave Online Can Come Back to Haunt Them

The comments that your kids leave online on any social media platform can haunt them back. In fact, this raises a complicated question that is what risks do free reign of the internet pose to kids who are still learning about digital media, themselves, and the world around them, and what can you as parents […]

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Strangers Are AirDropping Your Kids — Here’s What That Means

There’s a whole new trend taking over public spaces that is strangers are airdropping your kids. Whether it is on crowded trains, schools, busy shopping centers, and airports you suddenly get a notification that someone wants to AirDrop you an image. You will get the preview of the image with the option to accept or […]

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Depression! Obsession! Is This Social Media Spreading in Youth

The social media is increasing the problem of depression manifold. Over the year’s internet has been very helpful for mankind. so much offered to mankind. These innovations have spread plenty of things which you have not heard commonly among the people of the world. Today you know that people are behaving like zombies when using […]

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