Ultimate Guide: Twitter Parental Controls for Monitoring Your Child’s Activity 2024

Do you want to monitor Twitter? Do you know how to set up parental controls for Twitter? Today, a large number of people are using Twitter, including your children. Twitter can share people’s thoughts, occasions, and memories in a relatively simple way. But it may also expose your children to various online dangers, such as predators, pornography, etc. Check out this Twitter parental control guide below to protect your children from unnecessary trouble.

What Is Twitter?

Twitter is a social media platform that allows users to post tweets, which are mainly text-based updates of up to 280 characters. These posts are visible to all other users around the world. This platform can be accessed from a smartphone, tablet, or computer device. Tweets can include text, pictures, videos, links, GIFs, and polls. Here are some facts about Twitter:

  • Tweet: This is the standard message that must be 280 characters or less. It can include text and other media content, including photos, videos, and GIFs.
  • Retweet: If someone ‘retweets’ a tweet, it means that they’ve shared it with all their followers.
  • Thread: If someone writes a tweet, and then posts another tweet in response, this will appear as a thread. It allows a number of tweets to be connected and for people to provide additional content, context, or updates.
  • Like: Users can choose to ‘like’ another user’s tweet. This will not appear on their followers’ feeds but can be seen on their profile under the ‘likes’ tab.

facts about twitter

Is Twitter Kid Friendly?

Unless your children specifically make their accounts private, the Twitter accounts will be automatically public, which means that anyone can see your children’s tweets, likes, and followers. Here are the dangers of Twitter for students:


There are many posts on Twitter that contain violent text or videos. This content may have a negative impact on your children. Therefore, you need to set up Twitter parental controls for your children so that they cannot access any violent content.


Adult Content

Twitter is a very flexible social network that allows users to post what they want. Therefore, children may be exposed to adult themes and pornographic content.

Best Porn Blocker

Online Predators

Twitter is automatically public, and children can easily interact with strangers. Unfortunately, this means that online predators can also easily contact and interact, putting your children at great risk.

online predator

How to Protect Your Kids from Twitter?

If your children are using Twitter, then you must be cautious and take all steps to protect them from its harmful effects. The best thing you can do is to supervise and talk appropriately about the dangers of the online world to your children. You can protect your children from Twitter in several ways:

Talk to Your Kids

You need to talk to the children and tell them that they should make their accounts private. Tell them not to publish their personal information online. Explain to them the types of people they can follow.

talk to kids

Set Up Twitter Parental Controls on Your Kids’ Phones

Before handing over your children’s phones to them, you need to set up Twitter parental controls on their devices. Check the two links to keep your children safe on Twitter:

Use A Spy App

The most useful method is to use a spy app like iKeyMonitor. In addition to tracking your children’s activities on Twitter, iKeyMonitor spy app also keeps track of text messages, calls, keystrokes, and other online activities.


Monitor Twitter with iKeyMonitor Parental Control App

As a parent, if you want to protect your children from the negative influence of Twitter, you need to use a monitoring tool. iKeyMonitor parental control app makes the monitoring process simple and easy. Here are some of the benefits provided by iKeyMonitor:

Capture Screenshots on Twitter to Detect Suspicious Photos

iKeyMonitor periodically takes screenshots of Twitter on your children’s devices. You can view these screenshots remotely to find out if there are suspicious pictures and take immediate action to protect your children.

Capture Screenshots

Block Twitter to Protect Your Kids

It enables you to use time limit rules to block Twitter on your kids’ phones. In this way, you can keep your children away from Twitter addiction.


Set Screen Time Limit on Twitter

iKeyMonitor lets you limit the screen time of your children by setting the maximum usage time of Twitter. Control the time your children spend on their devices to protect their eyesight.

Screen Time Limit

Track Keystrokes to Know Everything Typed on Twitter

It logs every keystroke on Twitter, including typed words and text pasted. This keylogger enables you to detect whether your children are experiencing any unnecessary trouble.

keystrokes on iphone

Get Alerted about Dangerous Activities on Twitter

The alert words feature allows you to set up keyword alerts on Twitter. No matter when your children trigger the alert words on their devices, you will receive an instant alert via email.

get alerts


Violence, pornography, and child predators on Twitter pose certain threats to the healthy growth of your children. iKeyMonitor not only monitors social media such as Twitter but also monitors text messages, calls, browsing history, etc. You can use it to monitor your children’s online behaviors to protect them from dangers. Sign up now for a free plan!


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Category: Parental Control Tips

iKeyMonitor Team is a team of parental control experts with over 16 years of experience in parental control apps and phone tracking tools. Started in 2009, iKeyMonitor is now the most powerful monitoring and control application for parents.

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