VK: Russia’s Facebook: Protect Children From Its Harmful Content

VK is known as the European version of Facebook and protecting children from excessive use of VK: The Russian’s Facebook has become essential. This social media platform was the most popular all across Europe, especially because it is available in multiple languages. Therefore, in the recent time, it is largely used in Europe but it […]

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Let Not Your Teens Turn Into Zombies-Get Them Off Screens With iKeyMonitor

In this busy world, we are moving away from human connection and kids are growing up in a world of technology so you have to take care that your kids don’t turn into Zombies. It is difficult for a parent to monitor their kids physically because of their busy schedules. When parents don’t take out […]

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Tik Tok is Sharing Sexual Explicit Material Involving Children

Among various other social media platforms, Tik Tok is one of the most used social media platforms in recent time. It allows a user to create short videos for friends, family or for whom they like the most. Besides other social media apps like twitter, it certainly empowers the user to share videos with special […]

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What Makes “Socially Savvy Generation” To Quit Social Media?

Today, teens are completed have become socially savvy generation. They make use of smartphones, social media apps, and instant messengers. The social world has become a strong pillar of their lives no time ever before. Most of the children and teens have admitted that they used to of checking their mobile phones several times in […]

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How Predators And Porn Targeting Kid’s: Parents Should Prepare Not Scared?

In this generation of the digital world, porn industry predators are targeting your kids. It’s time to be prepared for the parent, not scared. Only when you are aware of the current ways by which pornography and predators target children, you’ll be ready to protect your kids in 2019. Every parent needs to be aware of the […]

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When Sharing Becomes Shaming? The Pitfalls Of Selfies And Sexting

Usually, sharing becomes shaming when teens mostly share something unusual just for the sake of fun and to have faced paced online experience. In case the viral stuff is nude or inappropriate in terms of selfies that have been spread to everyone then it is a shaming situation. Most importantly, the child would feel humiliation […]

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Screenagers: The Impact On Children’s Life Growing Up In Digital Age

Truly this is an era of screenagers where children are the ones who are greatly influenced. Usually, parents can find watching kid’s scrolling technological devices screen. Apart from that, they are also used for pressing keypad of the devices with their rapid-fire thumbs and fingertips. This might impact the children’s life growing up in the […]

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Best Android Sound Recorder 301

Best Family Tracking App For Android And iPhone

What’s the best family tracking app? If you want to track the location of your children, but can’t find the ideal solution, then iKeyMonitor is perfect for you. Using this best free family tracking app, you can track your children’s online activities and receive alerts when they leave or enter the house. Why Do You […]

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How To Set up Parental Control On Samsung?

These days, we all depend on technology, and if your child uses a Samsung device, it’s important to know about the parental control options available. Kids use digital devices in all sorts of ways, whether it’s for learning new things, staying entertained, or exploring content from all over the world. While this can be great, […]

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Shell On Challenge: How To Protect Your Kids Online?

Often parents mistakenly think that their kids would learn a lot of things from the Shell on challenge but that’s not the fact. There are a number of dangerous online viral challenge all around the internet, which does nothing good to the children, in return actually, harm them. Lots of young kids are posting their […]

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Best Android Text Spy App To Track Text Messages For Free

Children often keep in touch with friends through text messages, but these can come with risks. To protect your children from potential dangers, it’s important to use Android text spy apps to keep track of their messages. These apps are made to track and give you detailed info about the texts sent and received on […]

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