Employee Internet Abuse Diminishes Productivity 2024

Many employees like to do their own business at work time which behavior is called employee Internet abuse. The Internet has proven itself to be an addictive distraction for employees. If you suspect your company’s productivity is suffering because of wasteful employee Internet use, then keep reading the Internet abuse of employees. While many employees choose to use the Internet for work-related purposes only, others decide to abuse the luxury of having Internet access at their workstation.

The Data of 2007 Wasting Time Survey

Salary.com, Inc. released the results of its 2007 Wasting Time Survey revealing that the average employee wastes 1.7 hours of a typical 8.5 hour work day. These stats are based off their 2000 employee survey:

>> While many employees admit to wasting work time because they “do n’t have enough work to do” (17.7%), the second most popular, and somewhat contradictory, the response is “my hours are too long” (13.9%). Employees also cite being underpaid (11.8%) and a lack of challenging work (11.1%) as reasons for slacking on the job.

>> As in previous years, personal Internet use (34.7% of respondents), socializing with co-workers (20.3%) and conducting personal business (17.0%) remain the leading time-wasting activities.

>> Younger workers waste more time than their older counterparts. Employees between 20-29 years old reported the highest total—2.1 hours per day. The average for 30-39-year-olds drops to 1.9 hours and ages 40-49 report wasting just 1.4 hours per day.

>> Over 63 percent of respondents admitted to wasting time at work.

The computer abuse could cost your company thousands of lost work hours, money, and productivity. When you “trust” an employee to only do actual work on their workstation, you open yourself up for a great loss, especially in Call Centers, Data Entry Centers, and other open-space offices. Imagine an employee left alone in their office or cubicle. What do they do once you are gone? Do they perform work like they are supposed to? Or do they play games and perform other NON-WORK related tasks? Do you know what they are doing online all day?

Act now and monitor every employee to stop employee Internet abusing in your office!


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Category: Employee Monitoring Tips

iKeyMonitor Team is a team of parental control experts with over 16 years of experience in parental control apps and phone tracking tools. Started in 2009, iKeyMonitor is now the most powerful monitoring and control application for parents.

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