Cell Phones in Classrooms Contributing to Falling Grades 2025
When children are allowed to use phones for non-academic purposes during classroom lectures, they perform worse in end-of-term exams that contribute to their falling grades. Students that think they can divide their attention in the classroom without harming their academic success but this is not right because cell phone use in classrooms has an adverse effect on exam performance and final grades.
Why Do Cell Phones In Classrooms Contribute to Falling Grades?
Cell phone use can be distracting for students while the class is going on. Research also shows that using electronic gadgets like a cell phone can even lower students’ grades. It is necessary that you are aware of and take corrective measures. Here are some of the reasons which contribute to the falling grades:
- Once attention is split between two tasks, fewer items related to those tasks could be recalled later. You will find that children that do not use cell phones in the classroom can recall more information compared to those who are using cell phones.
- Research on electronic devices shows that smartphones can reduce the ability to think to a person’s full potential. Therefore, the student’s logical thinking capacity may decrease.
- Much multitasking decreases the efficiency of completing a given task in children.
What Can You Do to Prevent This Situation?
If Students are allowed to use a cell phone in the classroom, they may spend a lot of their in-class time texting, gaming, checking social media, etc. It will definitely shift their minds from the class and in the long turn, their grades will decrease. Hence you need the proper action to prevent such a situation from arising. Here are the steps that you can take to avoid getting failing grades:
- Parents who believe that cell phones are essential for their child’s safety, support the use of cell phones. But as a parent, you should know whether your child is using the cell phone for communicating with you or he or she is misusing it and playing games, using social media, taking photographs in classrooms leading to poor academic results.
- As a parent, you need to set some rules regarding using cell phones. For example, you might allow them to use a cell phone for a certain period only, once they finish their homework at home. After that certain period, the cell phone should be taken away from him or her. There are ways to block certain sites so that your child can’t access any harmful or adult sites.
- Do not allow your child to touch the phone while he is studying. If you allow him to use a cell phone at home, he will try to do the same at school as well because he will think that he is able to do multitasking. But this is not right.
- Whenever school authority informs you regarding any issue about your child’s cell phone use, take it seriously.
What Should Your Children Do?
The school has a major role to play in this matter but there are few steps that children should take. This is necessary to create a school-wide policy that bans cell phone use in school. Merely banning their use doesn’t go far enough. The policy must be written in the student handbook so that you are also aware of the policy and consequences of breaking the policy and students can follow it. Here are the things that children can do:
- Children should not use a cell phone in the classroom. Because when they use a cell phone while the teacher is taking a class, their attention is divided between two tasks. So, they cannot concentrate fully on the topic that is being taught in the classroom.
- It is not necessary for a student to carry his own cell phone at school because there are public phones in school. If there is any emergency, then the student should tell the teachers and the school authority. They will inform his or her family, or they will let him talk with his/her family. So there is no need to carry a cell phone by a student.
- If due to any reason the student has brought the cell phone in the classroom, he or she should hand over it to the teacher before the class and should collect it back from the school authority after the end of the day.
iKeyMonitor Helps In Prevent This Situation
You cannot follow your children all the time to see what they are doing with their cell phones because this is not practical. But there is an app called iKeyMonitor that will do the work for you, while you are far from your child. This spy app works on behalf of you to find out the activities of your child.
- The most important thing is that you can control child’s screen time through iKeyMonitor which helps to deal with screen addiction and ultimately the situation of falling grades will be avoided.
- iKeyMonitor enables you to track the GPS locations of your child, so you will not have to visit all the places that your child visits. All the text messages that they send or receive can be checked by you with the help of this app.
- By using this app you can save your child from getting in touch with strangers. You will be able to listen to the call recordings on your child’s device and access the browser history to the kind of games they are playing and what kind of apps they are using and ultimately prevent them from various online hazards and excessive use of the phone.
Therefore, if both parents and children follow the rules that are set up then the problem of falling grades in children can be tackled very easily. Besides that, you can also make use of iKeyMonitor to ensure that children are actually following all the rules properly so that the situation of falling grades can be controlled.

Tags: falling grades, the situation of falling grades
Category: Learning & How to