Heard Meaning Heard is the past tense of to hear. Heard conveys the message that one has understood the literal…
ICYMI Meaning ICYMI stands for In Case You Missed It. ICYMI is an internet slang initialism that draws attention to…
IDK Meaning IDK stands for I don’t know. IDK is an internet slang initialism used to convey that the speaker…
IKR Meaning IKR stands for I know, right? IKR indicates agreement with what someone is saying. How Is IKR Used?…
IMO Meaning IMO stands for In My Opinion. IMO is an internet slang initialism used to signal that the writer…
ISTG Meaning ISTG stands for I Swear To God. ISTG is an internet slang initialism that conveys earnestness, annoyance, or…
Kickback Meaning Kickback is a small get-together. Kickback is an internet slang term that describes a low-key party held in…
KPC Meaning KPC stands for Keep Parents Clueless. KPC is an internet slang initialism that is an admonishment to keep…
Lit Meaning Lit means exciting or intoxicated. Lit is an internet slang expression that conveys excitement. It can also mean…
LMK Meaning LMK stands for Let Me Know. LMK is an internet slang initialism that is a request for information.…