Throw Shade Meaning Throw Shade means to criticize someone. Throw Shade is an internet slang phrase that means to ridicule…
Tight Meaning Tight means cool or emotionally close. Tight is an internet slang term that describes something awesome or a…
TMI Meaning TMI stands for Too Much Information. TMI is an internet slang initialism that is a response to the…
Tope Meaning Tope is a combination of the slang terms tight and dope. Tope is an internet slang expression that…
Turnt Up Meaning Turnt Up means excited or intoxicated. Turnt Up is an internet slang phrase that conveys that a…
WBU Meaning WBU stands for What about you? WBU is an internet slang initialism used to ask the question What…
WTF Meaning WTF stands for What the f**k? WTF is an internet slang initialism that conveys surprise and/or annoyance. How…
ATM Meaning ATM stands for At The Moment. ATM is an internet slang initialism used to show that the sender…
AF Meaning AF stands for As F**k. AF is an internet slang initialism that conveys emphasis. How Is AF Used?…
ANIME Meaning ANIME stands for As Far As I Know. ANIME is an internet slang initialism used as a disclaimer…